Tuesday, March 3, 2020

It may be the time...

Thanks but no thanks

... for midterm exams, but it is also the time for something else... finding post-it notes all about the Hall. Sounds odd, doesn't it? But with the Yacht Dance on the near horizon, it makes perfect sense. These post-it notes are very much like messages found in glass bottles on the beach, but instead of asking for help, these notes are asking Stedsmen to take them as their date to the Yacht Dance. Yes, young ladies from all across campus want to be a part of the campus dance that is the envy of every Notre Dame student, and so, they leave a note somewhere in the Hall and hope it finds its way to a Stedsman in need of a date. On making final rounds one night, RAs, Sam Schaeffer and Josh Blossfeld, found such a post-it note stuck to a staircase sign on the first floor. On the find, Blossfeld said, "This time of year, it’s not uncommon to find young ladies trying to scheme their way to attend the Yacht Dance. It takes a well trained and focused mind to see through the tricks of those who really aren't interested in you... but rather your boat."