Thursday, March 14, 2019

What are they...

Schelhorn and Olmanson living it up!

... up to? While our current students are spring breaking, what pray tell are recent graduates, who are now for the first time NOT spring breaking, doing? Well, two graduates, Alex Schelhorn '18 and Nick Olmanson '18 found themselves visiting the largest Applebee's in the world! While Olmanson made the trek down from Boston to New York, Schelhorn decided to show Olamson the best that New York had to offer- Applebee's. A traditional favorite Friday water hole when they were seniors, Applebee's has lost no of its appeal. On the visit, Shelhorn said, "You can take us out of South Bend, but you can’t take the Applebee’s happy hour specials out of us!"