Saturday, October 28, 2017


The bluest blue water

...continues every Game Day Saturday. Even though it was Saturday of Fall Break, the Gentlemen did not shy away from keeping their tradition of running through the Hesburgh Library's reflecting pool. While the crowds and the ND Marching Band may not have been there, as the ND vs USC game was a night game, the Gentlemen were, and float they did. On the Float for USC weekend, Aidan Thorpe, Steds sophomore, said, “Despite the great running game by Josh Adams, the run through the library’s reflection pool by Steds was the real rushing highlight of the day. I feel the ferocity and volume of our chants, coupled with our lightning speed through the pool, intimidated the Trojan defense and was clearly a key factor in ensuring the victory, beatdown really, on Saturday."


Hall Photographer, Luke Golichowski, was able to get a most unique view of the Steds Float. How did he do it? He's not telling! Enjoy.