...they're married! With fellow Stedsmen present, and Fr. Ralph witnessing, Stephanie Lazar and JP Sulivan ’13 of Steds were married at St. Alphonsus in Chicago, Illinois. It was a cloudy day, but this couple, with their contagious energy, smiles, excitement, made the sun shine for all. The only thing they couldn’t deliver was a ND victory. Still, the happily couple was celebrated well into the night and the next morning. On the wedding, Dr. James Yurkovich ’13, Stedsman and now resident Californian, shared, “The 2009-2010 second floor of St Ed’s made a strong showing to support its brother from 221, contributing TWO groomsmen, an usher, and several additional guests — our presence was felt on the dance floor and at the bar.”
Congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. JP & Stephanie Sullivan!
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