... and St. Ed's Week! After a very, very long hiatus, Farley & St. Ed's Week, the quinseesential sister, brother hall event, is back. With Farley taking the lead in planning and executing, the Stedsmen were all to happy to oblige the Farley's Finest with their presence as well as their willingness to wear a specially created t-shirts marking this special week. With events planned every day, a cookout at Plaza St Edward kicked off festivities. But don't think the Gentlemen are contributing nothing to the celebration. Perish the thought! The Gentlemen hosted and cooked the brats, hamburgers, AND bean burgers. Yes, bean burgers! On grilling up some bean burgers, Jack Schichtel, Steds junior and resident Grand Rapidian, shared, ""I'm not smiling because Ben Theis thought we needed veggie burgers for the cookout. I'm smiling because it's the start of Steds/Farley Week."
Here's the newest installment of In the Red Room... To listen, click HERE.