Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Ian: Too busy studying to smile...

... and grade inflation. Yes, grade inflation is often discussed as a serious problem confronting today's ivory towers of academia. "Run away "'A's" are flooding university classrooms across the nation and over inflating G.P.A. from California to Florida and all points in between, and rest assured, Steds is doing its part to keep the A's raining down. At the direction of President Thomas Kelly, project Steds Refresh, a refresh of common lounges and study spaces, was initiated in late May. In this refresh, the study lounge on the 3rd floor received particular attention as it was a room that given its design and color scheme was considered by all, including the rector, as down right depressing. But after the attention and complete refresh, the study lounge is now the place to be, and without doubt, will cause increased studying at Steds, resulting in, yes you guessed it, more A's and grade inflation. On the refreshed and improved study lounge, Ian Robinett, Steds junior and resident Californian, said, "The new and improved third floor study has become my favorite study spot."

This project was completed thanks to funds raised on ND Day.

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

... and who wouldn't want...

... to study here!

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