Thursday, December 12, 2019

Nearing the end...

Hall Staff: Seniors rounding the final corner 

... these Steds seniors are. Today marked a milestone in the lives of our Steds Hall Staff has finished their last Fall Semester as classes concluded. They may be smiling, but rest assured, Josh Blossfled, Christian Kirby, Matt Cyrs, and Sam Schaeffer... and John Quinlan not pictured as he was still in class... are mentally pumping the brakes, trying to make their Senior year last as long as possible. But how did their last day of class go? Was it a walk in the park, or was it jammed packed with a test or paper right up until the bitter end? Let's hear how it went...

On his last day, Christian Kirby, Steds 2nd RA and resident Rhode Islander, said, “My arduous last day featured a single class in which we watched a film at my professor’s house while enjoying tea and cookies. Oh, the trials of higher education!”

Josh Blossfeld, 4th floor RA and jack of all hall sports, added, “As I near graduation, this may be the end of my formal education in fall but certainly not the end of my learning”

While Matt Cyrs, 1st floor RA and Staff heavy said, “Senior year is for tears and facing the fears. Bring on the Spring Semester!”

But, understandably, Sam Schaeffer, 3rd floor RA and part-time comedian, was too overwhelmed by the moment to share his thoughts. 

Good luck to all as we enter Finals Week!