Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Breaking news...

Taking a summer leave...

If you have been reading the blog during the summer, then you would know that the statue of St. Edward was damaged during the year with the mini replica of the Basilica falling out of St. Ed's hand. When trying to repair the damage, the statue was found to have even further extensive damage as rust over the years had take a toll. It was determined that the statue would need some work, and so, a date AFTER graduation was set to conduct the restoration work. While most of are not there, one Stedsman was... and he captured this moment in Steds history. Dillyn Foy '19, ND Law Grad and former AR, was the day when St. Ed "took a trip." On seeing the statue go, Foy said, "It was sad to see him go, but after decades of watching over the students, it’s time the Saint Edward’s statue got his own summer vacation."


Enjoy the following photos from Foy...



... Gone. St. Ed has left the Park.