Monday, October 29, 2018

Founder's Week...

Coffey: Thumbs up

…is here! Stedsmen, Happy Founder's Week! Yes, our week long celebration of the Founder of the University and first Rector of St. Edward's Hall, Fr. Edward Sorin, C.S.C. and the Hall that was first in his heart ( and literally the first residence hall), St. Edward’s Hall, begins today. As you can tell, the week is jammed packed with history, tradition, and FUN. Without any doubt, this is every Stedsmen favorite week of the school year. There’s much to share about this week, but in the meantime, Stedsmen everywhere, may the Founder always smile upon you! On the start of Founder’s Week, Matt Coffey, Steds sophomore, said, “In 1492 Fr. Steds founded Notre Dame, and that’s why we celebrate.”

The "favoritest" of all favorite weeks