Saturday, August 19, 2017

Move in day...

Command Central for Move In: Plaza St. Edward's St. Ed's was organized and efficient. Thanks to the direction of Corey Gayheart and Will Connolly, the St. Ed's Welcome Week Staff mobilized, deployed, and assisted the 47 freshmen will now call St. Edward's their "home under the Dome." The old saying of "many hands make light work" rang true as the Welcome Week Crew unloaded cars in roughly two and half minutes. On top of that, they even washed every car's windshield! Suffice it to say, parents had it easy... and they should. On the success of the day, Will Connolly, Steds sophomore and Assistant Captain of Welcome Week, said, "The move in process went smoother then 'I can't believe it's not butter'. I was thrilled with the enthusiasm from both the first years and the Welcome Weekend Staff. I would also like to congratulate the RAs and ARs on handling the entire process with grace and aplomb."

Some of the Welcome Week Crew with Erin Harding and Brian Coughlin...