Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Hard times...

Wheel Down!

... for everyone! Last Saturday, we heard how our squirrels are experiencing tough times. So tough and hard up are they that they have resorted to eating banana peels. Yes, banana peels! But it appears that they are not the only ones experiencing hard times. Recently, Fr. Terry Ehrman CSC, botanist and theologian, encountered a Grubhub Starship on an unnamed quad, and it was missing a wheel. Hard times for biologicals and non-biologicals! On the encounter, Fr. Terry shared, "Not surprised, It's a rough quad." Still, Colin Davidson, Steds junior and former Grubhub Starship support technician disclosed, "We can find some solace in the fact that our self-driving robots, cars, or generative AIs can’t fix their own mechanical failures… at least not yet. Although that’s probably not far off.”

It's back! To hear this week's installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

Monday, March 24, 2025

They are...

Aloha: A smiling Smith

... HERE! Yes, the bespoke ND and Steds branded, Reyn Spooner Hawaiian polos, have arrived! Finally, our couture polos, designed by Marshall Smith, Steds senior and Southern Californian, reflect our Aloha spirit as well as our active lifestyles arrived. And they arrived just in time too. These one of a kind polos have arrived just in time for the Blue Gold Game, a trip to the links, or wherever life takes you. And wherever you go, you're going to look great, and you're not going to have a hole in pocket. Why? Because unlike the ND Bookstore, these bespoke polos are sold at cost. That's right, just like everyone's favorite Hall eatery, Ed's, we're passing the savings on to you! If you want a bespoke Hawaiian polo but missed the sale, then fret not. You can place your order an order HERE. On the arrival of much anticipated, bespoke Reyn Spooner Hawaiian polos, Smith declared, "The Aloha shirt beautifully exhibits two of the world’s most unique cultures: Hawaii and Steds. I’m so excited to see our dream become a reality!"

It's back! To hear this week's installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Your Sunday picture...

Rise and shine

... from Notre Dame. Here's a most unique cloud formation spotted in the morning sky outside Corby Hall, making the morning not only more beautiful but also more unique. Enjoy, and enjoy your beautiful and unique Sunday wherever you may be!

After a well deserved Spring Break, everyone's favorite podcast, In the Red Room, is on hiatus but will return next week with more amazing stories from Notre Dame's oldest and most storied residence hall.

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Saturday's Squirrel.

Trash to treasure: A banana peel

There's no getting around it. It's hard times here at ND. Yes, our furry friends are having a tough go. They clearly have forgotten where they buried all their nuts, and with student hand outs significantly down, it all equals hard times. So hard are the times that some of our campus squirrels have resorted to extreme measures. Recently, this God Quad squirrel was spotted under a tree eating a banana peel. Yes, you read that correctly... a banana peel. Hard times indeed! On the hard times, this squirrel non-verbaled, "So hard are the times I feel like a squirrel straight out of a Charles Dickens novel!"

After a well deserved Spring Break, everyone's favorite podcast, In the Red Room, is on hiatus but will return next week with more amazing stories from Notre Dame's oldest and most storied residence hall.

Friday, March 21, 2025

A gentleman...

Well done: Luke Guenthner congratulates Kempf on his pondering

… ponders networking. Gathering in the historic, yet commodious, Gregorian Lounge, the Gentlemen listened to William “Bill” ’90, honorary Stedsman, former Irish Guard member, starred in the classic movie Rudy, and bon vivant as he pontificated about networking. The favorite son of Minnesota, Kempf imparted his networking wisdom, helping the Gentlemen to learn not only how to start but also how to grow their networking abilities. Why? Because it ALL starts NOW. Yup, that’s right. The practicing and honing of one’s network skills to secure that internship or job starts now… not the day of the Career Fair! On the pondering, Kempfy declared, “The “kids” came prepared with real life questions and left with real life actions to take. What made the session most fruitful was their ability to be vulnerable and also not afraid to ask for help and advice. I only wish I was more qualified to give it:) but I did my best. So, so happy to ponder with the Gentleman that night!”

After a well deserved Spring Break, everyone's favorite podcast, In the Red Room, is on hiatus but will return next week with more amazing stories from Notre Dame's oldest and most storied residence hall.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Steds leading...

Erin- and Steds- Go Bragh! 

... the way! Steds has been leading the way ever since 1882, and we haven't looked back nor succeeded like that other hall on campus. And like his former residence hall, Joe Meares '10 was doing the same at this year's St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York City. Joined by his father, Joe Sr. '75, also of Steds, the Meares duo were the standard bearers for the ND Club of New York, carrying the American and Irish flags in the parade. Thanks to them, once again, as only Steds can, Steds was at the forefront, leading the way. On the honor, Meares said, “Despite expecting to merely march behind the Notre Dame banner, my father and I were thrust into service of Our Lady, ultimately carrying the American and Irish flags for 30 city blocks. Luckily we had hydrated properly prior to the parade.” 

After a well deserved Spring Break, everyone's favorite podcast, In the Red Room, is on hiatus but will return next week with more amazing stories from Notre Dame's oldest and most storied residence hall.

... looks like tough work!

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

St. Patrick's Day...

Snowdrops everywhere!

... a bit delayed. Yes, St. Patrick's Day greetings are a bit delayed. Falling on a Monday after Spring Break, well, the day caught everyone off guard. Regardless, this day is marked by parades, bagpipes, soda bread, merriment, and of course, the wearing of the green. At Notre Dame, all of this and much more happened to mark this special day. But something else that added to the festivities was the appearance of Galanthus, or more commonly known as, snowdrops. Yes, just in time for St. Patrick's Day, snowdrops appeared all about campus from the lakes to grotto and beyond. The appearance of these delicate spring flowers only brought more smiles to a day already filled with smiles. On the appearance of the snowdrops atop the Grotto, Fr. Ralph said, "Seeing the snowdrops TODAY on St. Patrick's Day was like sprinkles atop a sundae!"

After a well deserved Spring Break, everyone's favorite podcast, In the Red Room, is on hiatus but will return next week with more amazing stories from Notre Dame's oldest and most storied residence hall.