Monday, September 21, 2020

They said...

Dwortz (far right corner) enjoying a Friday feast...

... it couldn't be done. Yes, first they said that we could never have Food Sales at Steds, but yet, we have Ed's. And Ed's would be open if it were not for the Covid. Next, they said that Steds could never have a gym, but yet, we have a newly refurbished hall gym. And thanks to the lifting of the pause, it's open again with some serious gainz being made by our gym goers. So, when they said that we could not have pizza on the patio because of the Covid, things got real, and the challenge was accepted. And thanks to generous donors, the Gentlemen were able to keep their undefeated record of "can'ts." As others watched on, the Gentlemen, seated individually or as a household, had their fill of pizza, cookies and candy novelties, and drinks on the Steds patio on the Game Day eve. Once again, thanks to our donors, what couldn't be done was done! On the start of the weekend treat, Will Dwortz, Steds freshman and resident Massachusettian, said, "We loved it. It was a great getting to eat with some upperclassmen, though the amount of pizza we ate made me regret choosing a nap over a run earlier."

... with others who were not worried...

...about the freshmen 15 or Covid 19, lbs that is