Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Every laborer deserves...

Lucky day for someone: One cookie left 

... his pay. That's what we hear in the gospels, and it was lived out after this Sunday's Hall Mass. Thanks to some special people, who love Steds and its Gentlemen, Amish chocolate chip cookies were served, in a Covid free way of course, after Mass. How do the Amish make their cookies taste so delicious? They are not telling, but the Gentlemen know first hand how crazy good they are. Thank you to our donors! Still, it was Patrick Sansone's, Steds senior and Virginian, lucky day. Filling in for Gavin Shust, who was unable to play the piano at Mass,  Sansone got not only the Stedsmen giving twice the praising by singing but also a tasty treat  for his labors at the piano. On having unexpected Amish treats, Sansone delightfully shared, "The Amish cookies were grrrrrrreat (emulating my favorite cereal mascot, Tony the Tiger)!"