... in the laundry room? Yes. What is the word in laundry room about the recent news of the Clemson quarterback, Trevor Lawrence, testing positive for the Covid before next week's big game HERE at Notre Dame? On the news, Michael Lynch, Steds Senator and resident Californian, said, "The word in the laundry room is that Clemson just washed away their chance of a win."
...what is the word in the 3rd floor hallway? Yes. What is the word in 3rd floor hallway about the recent news of the Clemson quarterback, Trevor Lawrence, testing positive for the Covid? On the news, Pete McKeon, Steds 3rd floor AR and 3rd year law student, shared, "I believe it was Ben Franklin who said: “There are 4 universal truths: 1) death, 2) taxes, 3) Chick fil a is closed on Sundays, and 4) Trevor Lawrence uses an inordinate amount of conditioner. But it turns out all the conditioner in the world couldn’t protect him from the Covid. Go Irish!”
... while Johnny Welsch, Steds RA and resident Wisconsinite, added, "'Lawrence lost to Irish' and 'Lawrence got the covid' both have 19 letters and at this point I think we can begin to see the stars aligning for our football team."