Help Hincka to keep smiling behind that mask
... and we're all ears! Make up ND Day 2020 is almost here. While the Hall is preparing for the big day, it's important that everyone does their part for St. Ed's. Why? Because we, immediate family, extended family, friends, friends of friends, all people of good, even, yes, pets, ALL can help keep the stories rolling at the University's most storied residence hall,St. Edward's, and in the process, make the dreams of so many Gentlemen come true. For more information about the day and ways YOU can support the Gentlemen, click HERE.
Yesterday, we heard from Johnny Welsch, but today, we have another Stedsman who has something to share. On what he would like to do with the funds raised on ND Day, Danny Hincka, Steds sophomore, Mass cantor, and resident Michigander, shared his two cents saying, “I'd love to see some new kettlebells for the Sted's gym. We have to keep the gainz train going for the inevitable return of interhall sports!"