... Atlanta. The recent Super Bowl has many of us not only thinking but also yearning for the start of the next college football season, but sadly, we must wait a bit for that day. But it's coming, and when it does, what a season it will be! In the meantime, as we continue to congratulate our football team for a fantastic season and a great run for the Championship, we hear from those who were there cheering them on. Today, we hear from several former Steds residents from the late 90’s who got together with their families to pre-game at a restaurant just outside of the team hotel. Traveling in from South Bend, Charlotte, Mississippi, Louisiana, New York, and New Jersey, these Steds Alumni were not going to miss the opportunity to gather together in Hotlanta. After all, it had been twenty-five years since they were all under the same roof at STEDS (or St. Ed’s as us old timers say). And while they bleed blue and gold on any given weekend in the fall, there's no doubt this Steds crew still bleeds green and gold too. On the game, Will Mayfield '00 shared, "As far as the game… It’s better to have love and lost than to be a Buckeye!"
To hear this week's installment of In the Red Room, on: