Monday, February 10, 2025

Happy Super...

Let the celebration start!

... Chinese Groundhog Presidents' Day! Yes, just when you thought it wasn't possible, Steds found a way! This day, unique only to Steds, celebrates four celebrations at once... the Super Bowl, Chinese New Year's, Groundhog's Day, AND Presidents' Day. So, in the Flounge, with the Super Bowling playing the background, the Gentlemen enjoyed Chinese food from JW Chen's, LaCroix sprinkling waters, and cherry pies by Hostess, Drake's, and Martin's Supermarket. Suffice it to say, regardless of who one was cheering for, there were smiles all around. On hosting Super Chinese Groundhog Presidents' Day, Fr. Ralph said, "Thank God it only comes once a year!"

To hear this week's installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

And celebrate they did!