Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The hallways...

No one to be found...

... of St. Ed's are eerily quiet. But then again, how could they not be? After all, tomorrow is a very big day for the residents of the University's most loved residence hall. The battle against malaria begins! So, borrowing a page from Ben Franklin, the Gentlemen are early to bed, early to rise, so that malaria dies! Indeed, knocking out malaria starts with a good night's rest, and without any doubt, the Gentlemen will be fresh for tomorrow's fight. 

But before everyone turned in for the night, Hall President, Peter Nichols, addressed his constituents at a special Hall Council meeting. At the council meeting, President Nichols roused the Stedsmen as only the Hall President could, setting the hearts of all aglow with love of Hall and the commander of the hour, Matt Verdeschi. On the Commander in Chief that he, the Hall President, selected to marshal and lead the Steds forces, Nichols said, "Like Washington on the night before crossing the Delaware, our Commander in Chief (Matt Verdeschi) has well prepared the men of Saint Edwards Hall.  After months of growing out their hair, they are well equipped to face the unsuspecting foe - malaria. The whole Steds World is behind him, and I wish him the best of luck for a glorious and victorious day!” 

Still, it is important to note that everyone, and I mean everyone, is doing his part in this battle, even the Hall President. Yes, the President! Not content to guard the home front, President Nichols will be joining his fellow Stedsmen at the front with a mullet. A true President that Nichols is, just like George Washington.   

Good luck to Verdeschi and all the Gentlemen who give their hair for the cause.

As our brave boys fight malaria, may their courage move us to join them and do our part in this battle. Let's give it to malaria, and bring our boys- and their hairstyles- back! 



Be there when these brave young men get their mullets. WATCH IT LIVE TONIGHT at 6pm EST. To see the bravery, the determination and much more, click HERE.