St.Ed: Is it true? Are you getting a mullet?
Haag: Yes. It's true. I am.
St.Ed: What moved you to join the boys at front with a mullet?
Haag: Their bravery. It is always edifying, and seeing it, I though to myself, "I can do this too."
St.Ed: When was the last time you had a haircut?
Haag: My last haircut was in early November, and then, it was only a little trim. You see, I started growing it out over the summer, and by November, it was getting a bit out of control. Okay, it was getting a lot out of control.
St.Ed: So, growing your hair out has its challenges?
Haag: Yes. I have been devoting more time to personal grooming than ever before. Every morning, I have severe "bed head," and while it might be stylish for the kids, it's not a look for a priest rector. I have to comb my hair, and if I don't, it gets all knotted up. And you know what? It hurts trying to get them out. And then I am using more shampoo... let's not even talk about that.
St.Ed: Is there anything that you would like our readers to know?
Haag: Yes, I regret that I have but one head of hair to give to our noble cause.