Thursday, September 19, 2024

They say...

Smith: No waffling

... the devil went down to Georgia, but Jacob Smith '22 didn't go there. Instead, Smith went down to Raleigh, North Carolina. Well, actually, Smith lives there. Recently, Smith hunkered down at a local Waffle House. Why? Well, Jacob came in last place in his Steds Fantasy Football league, and as a result, he was punished with the Waffle House Challenge. What’s that? Smith had to spend 24 hours STRAIGHT in a Waffle House. But there was a way to lessen this punishment. How? By eating a waffle, and with every waffle consumed, Smith got one hour off.  The above photo was taken after his seventh waffle. On participating in the Waffle House Challenge, Smith shared, “While the culinary expertise at the House of Waffles could not stand up to the chefs at Ed’s Eatery, the staff’s southern hospitality eased the burden. It undoubtedly was a grueling 14 hours; however, the one thing I hope to impress upon the young men in the Hall is, if you’re stupid enough to make the bet, you better be brave enough to honor it!”

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.   

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Moran '13, Yurkovich '13 and other

... up, up, and away! Unlike Matt Fischer, these Stedsmen were up and away from the football field. Yes, P.J. Moran '13 and Dr. James Yurkovich '13, along with another ND grad, took in the Notre Dame A&M game with a bird's eye view. Regardless of where they sat, these Stedsmen, with their plus one, were happy to say the least, especially being there when the Irish pulled out a last minute victory over the Aggies. On seeing the game with friends, while wearing his Steds gear, Yurkovich said, "Well, we all can't win the ND housing lottery. And I know we're all Irish, but you gotta represent Steds!" 

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.   

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Fischer (center)...

... he was, but was he really away? Indeed, Matt Fischer, Steds junior and Phoenician, was away from campus this past weekend, but again, was he really away? You see, Fischer was not just at Purdue game... he was AT the Purdue game, being on field! Yes, this Stedsman was at the game AND on the sidelines of football field as a student football manager. So, Fischer was away physically from campus, but one could argue that he wasn't as he was at the heart of it all, being right there, literally, with the Irish as they played to redeemed themselves from last week's disaster. But Matt wasn't the only Stedsman who had the opportunity to be on the field as Patrick, Matt's freshman brother, also had the opportunity to take to the field. Sadly, like Judas, Patrick left early and missed this golden opportunity to join his brother. On seeing the game close up, Fischer shared, "St. Edwards flag football team should have gotten in."

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.   

... taking it all in...

... while Heritage and Rauch played tourist.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Number 18th.

Fr. Ralph at a the Gala Dinner...

With festivities starting on Wednesday, Fr. Robert "Bob" Dowd, C.S.C., was inaugurated as the 18th President of the University of Notre Dame. All the fanfare and festivities culminated in an inauguration ceremony at the JACC on Friday afternoon. But weren't only on Friday as celebrations actually started on Wednesday and, following a student gala in the stadium, finally ended in the wee hours of Saturday morning. On Fr. Bob's inauguration, Fr. Ralph, "Once again, a former resident, or here, an in-residence priest, of St. Edward's Hall, has been called forward... and wish him all the best!"

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.   

tres chic...

... behind the curtain...

... doesn't look like the JACC...

... Fr. Bob takes the mic...

... on Friday receives his Presidential Medal...

... and mace...

... and receives a blessing from former presidents...

... then a concert with Jean Baptist...

... they gave it their all...

... and ended with a drone show.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Your Sunday picture...

The saint, the king: Edward

... from Notre Dame. Unlike any other chapel, the stain glass windows of the Chapel of Saints Edward and John are made by the same maker of the Basilica of Sacred Heart's windows. It's true... and it's shows. Made in France and given to Fr. Sorin by the Carmelites sisters of LeMans to be specifically placed in a residence hall, the windows capture the sunlight as well as the artificial light at night, bringing to life the various saints immortalized in them. Here is the window of Edward, saint and King of England, patron saint of the Founder, Fr. Sorin. Enjoy, and enjoy your Sunday wherever you may be.

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.   

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Saturday Squirrel.

Heron'ing around: the green heron 

Our furry friends are once again on hiatus, and as they do whatever it is they do, we have the opportunity to turn our attention to another campus neighbor. We're all familiar with the blue herons on campus. Beautiful and large, blue herons are easy to spot. But have you ever seen a green heron? Yes, there's a green heron, and if you are at the right spot, at the right time, you'll spot. Substantial smaller, green with grey wings, the green heron, Butorides virescens, are very similar to their larger cousins, blue herons, hunting the same prey, in the same manner, as well as in the same locations. On being spotted at St. Mary's Lake early in the morning, this green heron non-verbaled, "Excuse me, but do you know where the fish, the small fish, are?"

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

Friday, September 13, 2024

What's the word...

The talkative Zach Jones

... in the Steds hallway? Yes, what is the word in the hallway on this Friday, the last day of third week of classes and the eve of the away home football game against Perdue? Yes, what is the word after that surprise defeat against NIU that all ND fans are smarting from? Well, Zach Jones, Steds freshman and resident Texan, was willing to share what he was hearing. On being spotted and asked what the word was about this weekend's game, Jones shared, "A win of course. I think the offense will bounce back from a poor showing last week, and Riley Leonard will throw for two touchdowns. The defense will hold Purdue to seven points, and Notre Dame will win 24-7." 

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

They got...

Conal and Maggie Fagan are...

... married! Conal Fagan ’21 and Maggie Arriola ’17 were married in Derry, Ireland at St. Eugene’s Cathedral, making a most beautiful day even more beautiful. Indeed, the sun was actually out and shining on this very special day!!! With Fr. Gary Chamberland, CSC officiating and Fr. Ralph there in spirit, surrounded by their families and friends, Maggie and Conal exchanged theirs vows with loud and clear voices, big smiles, and great emotion and exuberance. On the wedding, Josh Chapple, Stedsman and best man, shared, “It was truly a joyous occasion for everyone’s favorite wee leprechaun! Sláinte to the happy couple!”

Congratulations and best wishes… and Sláinte 

to Maggie and Conal!

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

... a picture perfect couple!