Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Fischer (center)...

... he was, but was he really away? Indeed, Matt Fischer, Steds junior and Phoenician, was away from campus this past weekend, but again, was he really away? You see, Fischer was not just at Purdue game... he was AT the Purdue game, being on field! Yes, this Stedsman was at the game AND on the sidelines of football field as a student football manager. So, Fischer was away physically from campus, but one could argue that he wasn't as he was at the heart of it all, being right there, literally, with the Irish as they played to redeemed themselves from last week's disaster. But Matt wasn't the only Stedsman who had the opportunity to be on the field as Patrick, Matt's freshman brother, also had the opportunity to take to the field. Sadly, like Judas, Patrick left early and missed this golden opportunity to join his brother. On seeing the game close up, Fischer shared, "St. Edwards flag football team should have gotten in."

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.   

... taking it all in...

... while Heritage and Rauch played tourist.

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