Friday, August 30, 2024

The fourth floor...

Steds loves the attention

... is at it again. Well, it's the fourth floor ceiling and the roof of the Hall to be exact. Recent heavy rains on the first day of classes caused Steds to develop a leak. Water began dripping from the ceiling in the area in the area of the main staircase, dripping and dripping all the way to the third. Spotted by eagle eyes Ryan Davey, sophomore and Mom's weekend commissioner, the leak was reported to maintenance who responded the next day. Cranes and a number persons began investigating the problem only to report in the end that there was NO leak, only an improperly closed roof hatch. On the discovery of an improperly closed roof hatch, Fr. Ralph said, "It's not a blow torch causing a fire on the four floor, then it's a hatch on the roof causing a flood on the third floor. For the love of Steds, be attentive to your work!"

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