Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The first day...

Mackie: Delayed Start

... of classes for the 2024-2025 academic year have started! While the weather for move-in was superb- certainly the best for in the past nineteen years- the weather for the first day of classes was the typical Northern Indiana hot, reaching near 100 F. But then, in the afternoon, there was a sever thunderstorm that unleashed rain, hail, thunder, and lightening... and I mean lightening.. the likes that campus hadn't seen all summer. Still, spirits are high and the zeal for learning palatable among the Stedsmen, especially for the fourty-five newest members of the Steds Family. One of those new members is freshman Henry Mackie from Larchmont, New York. On the first of classes, Mackie said, "Classes? I didn't go... because I didn't have any."

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