Thursday, August 29, 2024

A unique...

Rodrigo studying...

... studying opportunity. Yes, that's what Rodrigo D'Arriga Schmidt Souza, Steds freshmen and resident Brazilian by way of London, was enjoying when studying in the "Gregorian" or "Greg" for short, the second floor lounge at Steds. Named in honor of Luigi Gregori, the Vatican painter who painted the Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Main Building, the second floor lounge affords users air conditioning, comfortable seating, access to the Keurig coffee machine... AND the views of the Gregori mural! Depicting Fr. Sorin receiving golden rings for a baptism that he performed, the mural was the first mural painted by Gregori at Notre Dame and is the focal point of the room. On studying in a lounge with a beautiful and historical mural, D'Arriga Schmidt Souza, with a smile, said, "It's distracting."

... as the Founder gazing upon him!

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