Friday, October 14, 2016

Coach's Corner.

Coach Andrews #39... and new uniforms thanks to ND Day

Like baseball, the Steds football team has had tremendous success. While everyone has a reason for this success, there is one reason that everyone can agree on... Coach Phineas Andrews. At the helm again for the second time, Coach Phineas, Steds senior, has recruited talent, honed players skills and strengths, and unleashed his football "strategy," holding nothing back. When Coach Andrews wasn't coaching or on the field playing, I was able to chat with him about the team's amazing year.

St. Ed: The season is going smashingly well for you, Coach Phineas. What’s working?

Andrews: I’d say the major contributing factor to the team's success this year has been the new jerseys. We were beating Fisher so badly at halftime that rec sports made us take them off, and no team has been able to handle our sleek new look thus far.

St. Ed:  Aside from Keenan Hall, this year’s favorite, what’s the biggest concern that you have for the team in the near future?

Andrews: My biggest concern for the team is the long break we have coming up before our regular season finale. It took a lot of hard work and several weeks of two-a-days to get the boys into football shape, and I'm hoping we don't lose our edge over fall break.

St. Ed: How do you keep yourself, and the team for that matter, from letting everything go to your head, becoming a victim of your own success?

Andrews: I keep the team from getting a big head by running disciplined, well-attended practices every week. One of my goals as coach is to cripple the self-esteem of my players, like Donald Trump running a beauty pageant, so that the team never gets too cocky. 

St.Ed: Will you be back at the helm of Steds football next year?

Andrews: I will be back with the team next year, just like Will Fuller.

Continued success Coach Andrews!