Monday, April 12, 2021

ND Day...

Lynch: Not joking around...

... is coming, and the new St. Ed's Hall Government is mobilizing efforts to make it a success. Now, some may be thinking, "Wait, ND Day already happened in the fall." Indeed, it did, but that was a makeup ND Day for the spring ND Day 2020 that was postponed because of the Covid. THIS ND Day is the real deal... with a challenge fund of half a million dollars. More on that later, but for now, it is important to know that Steds is playing for keeps. When we caught up with the new Hall President, Michael Lynch, here is what he had to say about this important day.

StEd: Is ND Day really that important to Steds?

Lynch: Yes! ND Day is extremely important to Steds! We have historically done very well on ND Day and have had the funds to provide for the Hall. We rely on these funds for a variety of reasons, from everyday activities to bigger improvements. ND Day gives Steds the ability to further enhance community and continue tradition.

StEd: I thought ND Day happened in the fall of last year? Why should we participate now?

Lynch: ND Day last fall was a makeup for the lost ND Day in the spring of 2020. Covid has greatly affected ND Day; we have not had a true one in about 2 years. Therefore, this year is crucial for helping the Hall. We have a full ND Day ahead of us, including the all-important challenge fund. We need your participation now! Each donation will go directly to the Hall and will give us a larger stake of the challenge fund.

StEd: What will the Hall do with ND Day funds?

Lynch: The Hall will use the funds for the betterment of the Steds community. We will host events that bring us together. We will make improvements to common areas that enhance Hall life. Most importantly, we will listen to the Gentlemen and respond to their suggestions and requests accordingly.

StEd: What do we need to bring about a Steds victory on ND Day?

Lynch: We need you, your family, your friends, your neighbors, your pets, and your neighbors' pets to donate to Steds. Steds is relying on your support to bring victory to the Hall!

StEd: What do you think your lottery number for picking a room at Steds will be for the upcoming  room picks night?

Lynch: I hope to be as lucky as last year! 

ND DAY is THIS Sunday and Monday, April 18th-19th.


... and Vice President Ben Theis agrees.