Thorpe: Being responsible or procrastinating?
…funds at work! As funds continue to be dispersed, improvements are being seen in the Hall. Another improvement thanks to Notre Dame Day funds is the addition of new treadmill. Up until this semester, we had say good bye to our faithful and dependable treadmill. No one, not even Fr. Ralph, knew how old the treadmill was… it was always there. And when we had to part with our old friend, it was a sad day indeed. BUT… thanks to ND Day funds that sad goodbye has been turned into tears of joy as a NEW, well slightly used, treadmill was added to the Steds gym. On the arrival of the new treadmill, Dan Felton, Steds sophomore and avid user of the treadmill, said, “The Stedsmen are demolishing calories at an unforeseen rate on this new treadmill. Spring Break bods are better than ever!” Still, Steds sophomore, resident Texan and pictured above, Aidan Thorpe, said,"With this new treadmill I'm able to practice running away from all my responsibilities just like Michael Scott (from the TV show The Office) taught me. Also, with midterms fast approaching, there is no better coping mechanism than running the stress away and finally finding a productive way to further procrastinate studying."