Friday, December 11, 2015

Justice denied!

Roman: Watching more Law & Order

At the South Bend Courthouse, with the Honorable Hugh Brenneman presiding, rising second year Notre Dame law student and Steds assistant rector, Tom Roman, tested his legal skills in moot court. Before a jury, our aspiring counselor prosecuted Jordan Peyton for DUI and hit and run. Despite his rigorous preparation, sound legal arguments, and his stylish, yet sensible, attire, Roman was unable to get the jury to convict Peyton. On losing, Roman said, “They say you can’t win them all, but this one really hurts. I used everything Joe Pesci taught me in My Cousin Vinny, but the jury remained unconvinced. One day, the the law will catch up to Jordan. Until that day, I will be watching reruns of Law & Order to prepare for the appeal.”