Monday, July 8, 2024

A close...

Still standing tall

... call! It was totally unexpected. Honestly, it was terrifying. On a beautiful campus morning, the tranquility of St. Edward's Park was violently disturbed by the roar of chainsaws. What was happening? The grounds crew were there, focusing their saws on the sugar maple tree in the front of Steds. A sad day! One of the most beautiful trees in the Park was apparently coming down. Surprised? Well, not really as it was an old tree, and as of late, it had experienced some problems. When the chainsaws finally stopped after a couple of hours, it was surprising to see the sugar maple was not in parts on the ground but still standing! Apparently, the crew was not there to take the tree down but rather to give it a good trim. And a good trim they gave it! On the Steds sugar maple being trimmed, Fr. Terry Ehrman, CSC, theologian and biologist, said, "We're all relieved that the tree is still standing.The thought of that tree coming down is Fr. Ralph's worst nightmare. Crisis averted!" 

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