Rancher Larry: Rancher and wisdom figure
...has taken a break from his chores of tending herd, homestead, and medical school to tell us an importance message about but ND Day. On ND Day, Rancher Larry said,
"Howdy folks it’s me again, Rancher Larry. Did you know that Notre Dame Day is
coming up? I bet you did blog reader, you’re smart as a whip! ND Day is really
important down here on the homeSTED, it’s the day that good people like
yourselves can "super power" your charitable donations of $10 to the fine
establishment of St. Edward’s Hall. That’s right, with Mars in the fourth house and
three goats… no wait, that’s a different super power day. Anyways, on April 24th
and 25th donations made are boosted by a Notre Dame "Challenge Fund"
proportionate to the number of voters for each cause. These donations will have a
huge impact on the lives of these Gentlemen, so please spread the word! Flannel
isn’t as cheap as it used to be! Thank ya kindly and for more information please
If I had a herd and homestead, I would want Rancher Larry in charge!