Thursday, October 17, 2024

The celebration...

Aidan Machado (Soph.) and Shaun McKenna (Frshmn) helped with the setup...

… continues to roll on... and on! It all started on Sunday with St. Edward’s feast day. Then, on Monday, by a Presidential executive order, President Tommy Kelly declared that a special dinner be held in the Flounge, and the Hall enjoyed Raising Canes' and root beer floats. On the following day, Tuesday, again, by a Presidential executive order, President Tommy Kelly declared that another special dinner be held in the Flounge, and the Hall enjoyed Rocco’s. But the celebrating didn’t stop. Again, by a Presidential executive order, President Tommy Kelly declared that another special celebration be held in the Flounge, this time, not a dinner but a breakfast. So, on the fourth day of the Octave of (St.) Edwardmas, the Gentlemen enjoy Chick-Fil-A sandwiches, both spicy and regular, Krispy Kreme doughnuts (including the limited time only Ghostbuster doughnuts), Einstein’s Bagels, and three types of turnovers, cherry, apple, and blueberry... ALL with three different types of juices too, orange, pineapple and cranberry too.

On the breakfast celebration, Rhett Bianchi, Steds senior, declared, “Mr. President Tommy Kelly, Fr. Ralph, and St. Edward himself came through for the Gentlemen this morning. Without the Chick-fil-A, bagels, and donuts motivating me to get out of bed this morning, I’m not sure I would’ve made it to my first midterm."

Still, Daniel Jung, Steds senior and former Student Body President, commented, "The breakfast in honor of King Edward was truly incredible, giving us the necessary strength and sustenance to conquer our midterms. We feasted like kings, or perhaps more aptly, like King Edward himself!"

To hear this week's installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE. 

Spotify, click HERE.

... while others helped with the take down through eating...

...especially the doughnuts...

... who you going to call?...

... Steds! Cause we ain't afraid of no doughnut!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The celebration...

Kelly (center, in white) directs the celebrating...

… continues to roll on! It all started on Sunday with St. Edward’s feast day. Then, on Monday, by a Presidential executive order, President Tommy Kelly declared that a special dinner be held in the Flounge, and the Hall enjoyed Raising Canes' and root beer floats. On the following day, Tuesday, again, by a Presidential executive order, President Tommy Kelly declared that another special dinner be held in the Flounge, and the Hall enjoyed Rocco’s. From cheese to pepperoni, sausage to pepperoni again, the Gentlemen enjoy thin style pizza from a legendary Italian restaurant just south of campus, Rocco’s. An absolute must when making a visit to Notre Dame, the serving of Rocco’s pizza was a must when celebrating the patron, for nothing could say “that’s amore” more than Rocco’s pizza. On having Rocco’s pizza, an unnamed freshman stated, “(President) Tommy needs to make more executive decisions.”

To hear this week's installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE. 

Spotify, click HERE.

... and then, suddenly, it was gone and over!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The celebration...

President Kelly (In USA Crocs) directs the feasting...

... continues! In the Church, biggest and most important feast days, solemnities are celebrated for eight days, and for St. Edward's, this is the big and important feast day for the Hall and its residents. The celebration started last night at the Hall's Sunday Mass which celebrated St. Edward on his feast day. On Monday, by a Presidential executive order, President Tommy Kelly declared that a special dinner would be held in the Flounge, celebrating not only St. Edward but also marking the anniversary of the Battle of Hastings of 1066. And yes, there's a connection to St. Edward. Enjoying Raising Canes' and root beer floats, the Gentlemen gathered in the Flounge, feting their patron as well as taking a break from their midterm exams. On collecting the Canes' and enjoying it too, Cian Weekly, Steds senior, resident Nebraskan, and 2nd floor RA, shared, "I know St Edward would be proud knowing the feast we had tonight was in his honor."

To hear this week's installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE. 

Spotify, click HERE.

... while Weekly (in light blue, left) and other seniors set up... 

... but who cleaned up the aftermath?!

Monday, October 14, 2024

A Hall of...

Our heros: Connolly, Jenkins, and Gailius

... WINNERS! Once know as The Battle for the Shadow 3 on 3 basketball tourney with Zahm Hall, the Battle has been reorganized to become the Steds Invitational, a sports tourney with whomever is living in Zahm Hall. Why? Because the Gentlemen are always looking to add to their Hall’s long and storied history. This year, with Fisher Hall residing in Zahm, a 3 on 3 basketball tourney with the Fishermen was held. With games behind played on both the Steds and Zahm courts, the championship game was played at Steds. Amid hamburgers and hot dogs being grilled on the Steds patio, a team of Steds seniors, the good guys, brought the home the “W.” Suffice it to say, there was much rejoicing!

On the win...

Jonny Gailius shared, “We weren’t the most talented team, but we fought hard and took care of our bodies. It’s an honor to be champion," with Ryan Connolly adding, “It was really all about keeping it fundamental down low. No shots outside of the paint and hard rebounding. These new age basketball players wanna shoot threes instead of using their size like John “too many jump shots” Digenan. Not us.” 

Finally, Sam Jenkins declared, "Some things are talent, some things are fate."


To hear this week's installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE. 

Spotify, click HERE.

Sunday, October 13, 2024


Our King...

... St. Edward's Day! Today, October 13th, is the Feast of St. Edward the Confessor, King of England and patron saint of the Founder... Fr. Edward Sorin, CSC. Since its inception, the University has celebrated  this day as "Founder's Day." Back in the day, students had the day off from classes, "iced cream" was served, games were played, and St. Edward's residents sent "congratulatory" cards to Fr. Sorin. Matter of fact, one lucky resident was selected to recite a poem, especially penned for this auspicious day to Fr. Sorin himself! All of these poems and well wishes can still be seen today at ND Archives at the Hesburgh Memorial Library. On this special day, Fr. Ralph, Rector of St. Edward's Hall, said, “May St. Edward and the Founder smile on you always and throughout Edwardtide!”


It was announced today, as it was during Founder’s Week, that Aidan Tompkins ’23 is the 2023-2024 inductee into the Order of Gentlemen, an award given for service to King and Hall.

... and his tomb in Westminister Abbey.

To hear this week's installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Saturday squirrel.

Soaking up the sun!

In the waning days of summer, our furry friends are taken a short break so that our campus neighbors can have the attention. Today’s attention is focused on the Admiral butterfly (Vanessa atalanta) that can be seen all about campus. The Admiral butterfly can be seen in North and South America, Europe, and Asia. The diverse range of this butterfly corresponds to an equally diverse set of larval host plants used by this species, making almost any plant a home for this butterfly. On be spotted around St. Mary’s Lake, this Admiral butterfly non-verbaled, “I love sunny days.”

To hear this week's installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.