Friday, December 15, 2017

It still may be...

At an end: Finals Week 2017

...snowing, but one thing that is coming to an quick end is Finals Week. Yes, Finals Week ends today, and so, for some, that last exam slot of 3pm cannot come fast enough. It's been a demanding, trying week for all, so much so, that outside the traditional "letting off of steam" from 10 to 10:15pm, you could hear the proverbial drop.... or maybe in this case, the snow fall. So, when those who have 3pm exams finish, there will be roar across campus of accomplishment and freedom. On Finals Week, Fr. Ralph said, "This Finals Week was the easiest one yet... I didn't have any exams, papers to write, or group projects to rescue. Still, for those who had them, I am sure you did great... well, pretty sure... or more likely than not... you all did great."