Thursday, December 14, 2017

During these drear...

2017 Corec Whiffleball Champions 

...days of fighting for the Hall Christmas tree, some good news. Now, if you are thinking that Risk Management has seen the light and reversed their roof directive, then I have some bad news for you. Sadly, they continue in their error. BUT amid the bad news, there IS good news... Steds is the 2017 Corec Whiffleball Champions! Yes, they have may taken away our exterior Christmas tree, but they have not taken away our weltanschauung, or in other words, our joie de vivre. The spirit of Steds cannot be fettered or stifled, and thanks to the Steds seniors, Alex Schelhorn, Brandon Ryan, Jon Carr, and Tim Sherman (pictured above), we can see just that! On winning the whifflebal championship, Sherman said,  “We hit it where they ain’t. Schelly’s defensive game was Ozzie Smith-esque, and my life has now hit its apex. Et, sic temper tyrannis!”