Saturday, December 16, 2017

Oh, let my...

A scene that we took for granted 

Christmas tree go! With the Hall now closed and students dispersed around the country and world for Christmas Break, a painful and bitter reality must be accepted, and that is, we have lost. Yes, Risk Management has won the battle with our Christmas tree. This development is jarring and incomprehensible. A sense of betrayal wafts in the air. Et tu Notre Dame? 

How did it come to this?

It started on the very day the tree was going up. It was a day of great expectation and happiness. Smiles abounded. Peace and good will were in ample supply. And then, like in the movies, everything came to a crashing halt, when suddenly, like lightning bolting down from the heavens, the agents of Risk Management came out from their tower, Grace Hall, unleashed pandemonium. They spoke of dangers... dangers that hadn't happened but could happen... and to prevent what could happen, they stopped what was happening from happening. In the name of safety and security, they threw a dark and vacuous blanket over all of us, choking out joy, suffocating common sense, and confounding logic. And in the ensuing confusion and commotion, something DID happened... Christmas died. Again, how did it come to this?

Yes, the battle might be lost, but the war must continue. It cannot end this way. Though the sting of defeat is painful and heartbreaking, the righteous anger felt from within is stronger and spurs everyone of common sense and decency to rally for this noble and honorable cause. 

In the meantime, as our forces reorganize, let us draw hope from the posting of a Stedsman, Scott Jarvie '11, who posted the following:


On the incomprehensible and unimaginable, Fr. Ralph said, "I don't know how it came to this. I really don't. But I do know one thing. Justice will be had."

More to come...