Wednesday, September 25, 2024


A disappointed Broderick and displeased Weekly: Why no coffee?...

… we have a problem. Well, that’s what everyone in line for coffee from the Keurig coffee machine in the Greg thought. When the buttons were pushed and no coffee appeared, without any doubt, a cold shiver quietly went down the backs of many a Stedsman. Again and again, Stedsman after Stedsman tried their best to get the machine to work, hitting, over and over again, the same buttons but all to no luck. But just when disaster was conceded at 3:11pm, enter the rector. Engaging in active listening, Fr. Ralph quickly devised a strategy. First, he checked the water supply, AND something else no else thought to do… check the coffee grounds waste box! Yup, that was the problem. The coffee grounds waste box was completely filled, preventing any more coffee from being ground and served up for a much needed afternoon energy boost. On the near disaster, Joe Broderick, Steds junior and resident Massachusettian, recounted, “I went downstairs for my afternoon cup of Haag’s Blend, but was disappointed to find that the machine would not dispense my coffee. Thanks to the efforts of Fr. Ralph and a fellowStedsman, I was able to get my caffeine and make it through the afternoon.Thank you!” 

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

... Haag, did any one dump the coffee grounds?

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