Monday, August 19, 2024

What are they...

Fr. Malloy, CSC with Robuck

... doing? Yes, what are our Stedsmen doing now that they no longer have classes to attend, papers to procrastinate writing, nor any thing else for that matter, especially if they have graduated?! Indeed, what are they doing this summer?! Well, while attending Mass for the Assumption at the Shrine of St. Anthony in Ellicott City, Maryland, Joe Robuck, Steds sophomore and Steds pianist, ran into Fr. Ed “Monk” Malloy, CSC, former University President and now in-residence priest at Sorin Hall. Small world getting smaller indeed! As always, Fr. Malloy was delightful and humorous until he asked Robuck where he lived on campus.  When Joe said, "St. Edwards," Fr. Malloy feigned innocence and asked, “Oh, is that one of the newer halls?” 

On the hearing this, Fr. Ralph, Rector of St. Edward’s, shared, “Everyone wants to be a comedian, even priests. I say, don't! Stick with your day job!”

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