Monday, May 13, 2024

At Steds...

All's quiet in the Steds lobby

... the is lobby is empty. Quiet, the hallways are devoid of the usual noises of laughter, conversation, and high jinx. with only seniors and those helping with graduation, St. Ed's is not its usual self. Still, life is continuing as seniors are enjoying their victory lap, Senior Week, and rectors, like Fr. Ralph, are engaged in mopping up actions and making preparations for August.  On the quiet, Fr. Ralph said, “It's summer time, well, almost. But for all of Stedsmen who DID NOT graduate. don't rush back. Enjoy your summer... because I already am!"

With summer starting, the Gentlemen's Monthly will be every other day. Enjoy!

To hear this week's special installment of In the Red Room, on:

iTunes, click HERE.

Spotify, click HERE.

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