Thursday, April 22, 2021

Who is...

Chapple: Keeping the laughs coming 

... the man who brings us good news AND weather every week on the Steds podcast In the Red Room? We know his voice, but who really IS this Josh Chapple? Here's what we learned about this mystery man when we caught up with him when he wasn't in the Red Room. Here's Josh Chapple... the senior, the Virginian, the man who brings us good news AND weather in the Red Room!

St.Ed: So, how did you become the deliverer of good news and weather in this brave and bold endeavor called, In the Red Room?

Chapple: I still remember the day I received my call to arms like it was yesterday, February 17, 2021. It felt like I was an aspiring young actor who got his first call back. I was overjoyed. It was both an honor and intimidating to be brought in on the ground floor of something so experimental. It was a blessing to be able to take so many artistic liberties and, at times, risks to make the segment my own, but the greater blessing has been the listeners bringing me back.

St.Ed: Now, I think it is safe to say our hosts, Fr Ralph and Pete, have faces for radio, but you, well, you have a voice for radio. Did you take lessons to get that Charleton Heston voice?

Chapple: I wish I could say lessons alone could give me my voice. I adhere to a strict pre-show regimen consisting of two shots of honey followed by one shot of lemon juice followed by one hot cup of water to soothe my cords. I also no longer enjoy the luxury of drinking dairy.

St.Ed: Now, every time I hear you, it sounds like you’re having fun in the red room. Is it really as fun in there as it sounds?

Chapple: At times, it is not all fun and games like it sounds. Pete and Father are two strict professionals that take the taping quite seriously. We often end up In the Red Room for hours after analyzing our recording back. That being said, every tear I’ve shed and every laugh I’ve laughed have been completely genuine on the show.

St.Ed: How are you dealing with the stardom? Out of nowhere, you rocketed into the hearts of so many listeners. How do you keep it from going all to your head?

Chapple: The looks, the giggles, the turning of heards. I had never been noticed much before and the initial attention was intoxicating. I just thank God Father helped to keep me grounded in reality before I turned to the lifestyle that so many young Disney actors fall victim to.

St.Ed: Do you have any good news and weather for us right now?

Chapple: Over my strenuous 22 years, I have learned that there is always good news to be found and weather outside. The greatest news of all is that the show goes on and we’ll be back In the Red Room soon with more stories, good news, and weather!

St.Ed: Now, that is good news!


After an Easter hiatus, here's the next installment... In the Red Room... a Hall podcast bringing you the life and times of Notre Dame's oldest and most storied residence hall, St. Edward's, from, well, you guessed it... the Red Room at St. Ed's. To listen, click HERE.