Thursday, March 25, 2021

We have...

We have a winner: Lynch

... a winner! After some confusion on par with the Oscars fiasco a few years back, Student Government's Judicial Council recounted the votes cast in yesterday's Hall's election. Initially, calling for a run off in the Steds presidential race, Judicial Council made a u-turn late Thursday night and declared a winner... Michael Lynch. A complete surprise. In other races, Student Union Representative was won by Robert Cline, but in the Hall senator race a run off will election will be held tomorrow with Mike Jekot and Dan McGuire facing off. Congratulations to our new president-elect and SUB rep, and thanks to everyone who ran in the election, giving the Steds electorate a choice. On the presidential election results, current Hall president, Peter Nichols, said, "Although my term is coming to an end, I was excited for the results of the contested Steds election. All candidates ran great campaigns as to be expected from the Gentlemen! Although, in a dramatic recount, there could only be one victor. Congratulations to Michael Lynch to being the next  St. Eds president!"

On winning the presidential election, President-elected Lynch shared, "I am honored to lead this great Hall next year and its Gentlemen. We are committed to the Steds community and look forward to keeping the traditions alive. We have many great ideas for Steds, the first being in-house elections. For Hall and King!"