Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Happy Spring Break...

Marini (L) chose the better portion and Chapple (R) approves

... Day! Yes, that's right. Spring Break, with all its rest and leisure, has been condensed into one day this year, and that day is today! Thankfully, it was a bright sunny day, but unfortunately, the sunshine did not translate into a warm and agreeable temperature. Regardless, the most was made of the day. 

One thing that every Stedsmen did... yes, you guessed it... was to sleep in, and sleep in they did! But in doing so, they had to forgo breakfast. Fear not! Thanks to a generous donor, a late morning brunch was served in the Flounge, consisting of every favorite of our Stedsmen- Chick-Fil-A chicken or sausage biscuit sandwiches, Krispy Kreme glazed doughnuts, Einsteins bagels, and orange juice. It was a veritable feast for a king, or in this case, as Fr. Sorin would have said himself, a feast for the University's' princes. If only every morning could be like this! 

Thanks to Josh Chapple, Senior and RA, setting up everything, it really was like Christmas morning when the Gentlemen entered the Flounge this morning of Spring Break Day. On the late morning brunch, Luca Marini, Steds sophomore and resident Brazilian, said, "Do I rest, or do I study during this Spring Break? Not sure, but all I do know is I need some breakfast! Thank you!"