Thursday, March 18, 2021

Day Three.

Can take the heat: Mitchell, McGuire and Hincka

The games of the Third Olympiad, pitting Sorin against St. Edward's, entered the halfway point. What's at stake? A lot of "W's" for sure, but also the coveted recognition of being the oldest hall at Notre Dame. With points totals even, the third day of competition would have one hall take a clear lead, perhaps giving momentum to finish strong. And what was the competition? A ghost pepper challenge. What is a ghost pepper you might ask? Well, according to Wikipedia, a ghost pepper is an interspecific hybrid chili pepper cultivated in Northeast India. In 2007, Guinness World Records certified that the ghost pepper was the world's hottest chili pepper. 

So, with ghost peppers in front of them as well as quarts of milk, three Sorinites and three Gentlemen faced off against each other at Plaza St. Edward- Steds backyard patio. And if you thought Atlas had it bad with the weight of the world on his shoulders, well, these three brave Stedsmen had it far worse with the weight of the all hopes, dreams, aspirations, expectations, and so much more of Steds on their shoulders! Unbelievable pressure indeed!

Representing Steds were a pair of freshmen, Michael Mitchell and Dan McGuire, and a sophomore, Danny Hincka, and as the competition progressed, Steds took an early lead as a Sorinite reached for milk after biting his ghost pepper. Then, in the second round, the same thing occurred. The Sorinite grabbed his quart of milk and tagged out. Yup, you guessed it. The same thing happened with the third Sorinite. In the end, it was a complete and decisive win for Steds... a "W" and the momentum. On his win, McGuire said, "A hell of a team effort for an absolutely hot sweep!"

STANDINGS:    St. Edward's    2        Sorin    1