Wednesday, March 31, 2021

And then...

Exit, stage right: Campus Lodges

... they were gone. They were HERE, but sadly, they are now not HERE. The lodges, or crystal palaces as they were often referred to, on North and South Quads, which hosted students to a "lodge like" atmosphere complete with moose heads, have been dismantled and taken away. With warming temps and sunshine galore, the lodges were like the local Ruby Tuesday's with immediate seating, or completely empty. Plagued by low attendance throughout their time on campus, the lodges never became THE place to be or be seen, but nevertheless, they did help. Now, all that reminds students of their presence are the bright yellow discolorations in the green grass, perhaps demarcating where the "lodge like atmosphere overflow" leaked out onto the quads. Whatever may be the reason, may their memory be a blessing. On the lodges, Peter McKeon, Steds AR, eloquently opined, "In my young life I’ve had few occasions of true grief. Hence, with the departure of our quad lodges I find myself in foreign emotional territory. I have to assume this is what parents feel when they become empty nesters. But, we all must put on a brave face and accept that our crystal palaces are moving to a better place. Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened.”