Friday, February 26, 2021

The war...

Nash: Fighting another war

... continues! Yes, the war against malaria continues. While great progress against the enemy has been made and all fronts are advancing, the Stedsmen are not slowing down. They're continue to press forward, fearlessly and courageously with almost reckless abandon. Still yet, with some Stedsmen getting last minute haircuts, MORE mullets and racing stripes are being deployed to the front. But as the war continues, there are some who have stayed behind and remained at the home front. They have done so not because they like malaria. Perish the thought. They, like ALL Stedsmen, hate malaria. They may not have follicles to contribute, but nevertheless, they too do their duty to Hall and King in this war. But what are they doing? One such person is CJ Nash. On being at the home front, this Junior and resident Alabaman shared, "Churchill used to motivate his soldiers by saying 'The eyes of the world are upon you,' but it is also a staunch reminder of the necessity to do laundry late Friday night.”

Photos of our brave men will be available soon... before and after pictures. Stay tuned!

As our brave boys fight malaria, may their courage move us to join them and do our part in this battle. Let's give it to malaria, and bring our boys- and their hairstyles- back!