Thursday, February 18, 2021

Something new...

In the Red Room: McKeon and Haag

... is being cooked up at Steds. There's a pandemic going on, and it's very cold outside. So, what better time to create something new for Steds? What's being whipped up? A Steds podcast! Yes, a Steds podcast, taped from the Red Room of Steds and in keeping with the University's Covid precautions, will enable listeners to hear from Stedsmen themselves. Found on the Hall's blog site, the podcast In The Red Room, hosted by Fr. Ralph and his AR, Pete McKeon, will dive into the life and times of the Stedsmen, bringing to you stories that make you laugh as well as touch the heart. On hearing of a new podcast, an unnamed friend of St. Ed said, "Joe Rogan is likely quaking in is boots right now in fear of losing his podcast's number one spot!"

In the Red Room will be available HERE very soon. Stay tuned!