Wednesday, February 3, 2021

It's the first day...

Rubin: He's done it again...

... of classes, but who's thinking of class? Yes, Christmas Break was long and a bit too good, and so, it's difficult getting back into the swing of things. It's true! Waking up early, making the morning commute to class in freezing temps, and navigating the dining hall and outdoor tents, now called "lodges", are all things our Stedsmen are reacquainting themselves with. Again, it may be the first day of class, but who's really thinking of classes? Some are, but certainly not all, especially those Stedsmen who are hoping for an inter-hall hockey season. And in a move that could not have been planned any better, the new Hall hockey jerseys, designed by Kyle Rubin, Steds junior and design genius, arrived TODAY- the first day of class. Ironic or a sign from God? The answer is clear. On the first day of classes, Westin Mulqueen, Steds junior and resident Texan, shared, “Although I tried so hard to focus on the first day of school, I kept drifting to shredding the ice with the men of St. Edward’s Hall in our new snazzy hockey jerseys. I didn’t come to play school, I came to play intramural hockey.”

... but can we win a game now?