Tuesday, February 9, 2021

A special delivery...

Chick-Fil-A: Medicine for the psyche and soul  

... for Stedsmen. As classes started for all matriculating students this past week so did quarantining and isolation. Sadly, some Stedsmen are already in quarantine. After returning and pre-matriculating testing, some Stedsmen needed to be placed in quarantine. Unfortunately, a long Christmas Break and separation from friends and Notre Dame's oldest and most storied residence hall just got a bit longer. Yes, they were HERE... but now they are not. They were going to be in class... but now they are not. They're were so many things... but now they are, well, on hold and elsewhere. But fear not, for they are not forgotten! With the help of the local Chick-Fil-A, a mission of mercy was launched from Steds to those in lock down. A tasty lunch was delivered to all quarantined Stedsmen, raising hopes and buoying waning spirits. On receiving a Chick-Fil-A lunch, an unnamed Stedsman said, "In my darkest hour, I was saved, by the grace of God and His greatest gift to mankind: the Chick-Fil-A spicy chicken sandwich!"