Friday, August 14, 2020

It's true...


Just do it!

... and there is no denying it. In addition to the University's HERE campaign, Steds launched its own anti-Covid campaign to combat the spread of the virus and keep the kids in the classroom. The face of this campaign is none other than Vice President Brendan Moriarty, the designer of the couture Steds Hall face mask. By the way, Steds is and remains the only Hall with a customized face mask... but we digress. The campaign targets Stedsmen with a simple but much needed message, and in the future, more messengers will be pressed into service so we can keep the enemy not just at bay but away. On the launch of the campaign and its potent message, Josh Chapple, Steds senior and 4th floor RA, said, "HERE, we say loud, and we say proud!"