Wednesday, May 27, 2020

While quarantining...

Rutherford signaling "We going to beat this thing"

... you may have missed it, it was his proverbial fifteen minutes of fame. Yes, Stedsman, Charlie Rutheford '18, EMT, aspiring medical student and native Washingtonian, was highlighted on Notre Dame's recent Covid-19 broadcast, a broadcast that highlighted the work of alumni to stem the affects of this pandemic. Suffice it to say, as an EMT and living in Washington State, Rutherford has truly been, and still is, at the front lines of the fight. On Rutherford's interview, Fr. Ralph said, "It was edifying and uplifting. In the end, it gave me great hope as well as confirmed what I already believed... that our graduates are exactly what the Founder wanted them be for the world... forces for good. Good on you, Charlie!"

To watch the interview, click HERE