Thursday, May 21, 2020

Kids in...

O'Leary: A purveyor of chicken and more

... quarantine: VIRTUAL FINALS WEEK. These are serious times, and so are the academics. On-line classes have given way to finals. Hard to believe it, but it’s Virtual Finals Week. Rest assured, the Stedsmen are playing for keeps they always do, taking their on-line finals for King and Hall. But how do you take an on-line? Who knows… but they do. Tonight, we will hear all about and more from Jack O’Leary, Steds freshman and resident Floridian, and Chick-Fil-Aer, who had some time to speak amid this demanding and taxing week.

St. Ed: With the University's residence halls, including the oldest and most storied, St. Ed’s, shut down, where are you these days?

O’Leary: Away from Steds I’m back home in Stuart, Florida. For people who know Florida I'm near West Palm Beach, and for those who don’t… let’s just say Miami.

St. Ed: Your on-line classes are over, are you glad that it is now Finals Week?

O’Leary: This last half of the semester felt slow, but I think its crazy that its already finals week. I only have two finals and I finished my papers early so this week isn’t that bad for me. I’m definitely ready for online classes to be over so that I can get out of the zoom classroom and enjoy the sun before it gets hotter than Hayes-Healy down here in FL.

St. Ed: Still, how do one do “finals” on-line? After all, while you would never cheat, who is there to make sure that the other guy isn’t opening a book or something?

O’Leary: Today I had my Econ exam at 1:45. So, naturally, I woke up at noon, ate a Publix sub, and logged online at 1:44 to take my exam. To make sure nobody's opening any books without permission, my professors decided to instead allow all of their students to open up their books. Open-note, open-book exams have made my exam week stress free. 

St. Ed: With on-line classes and finals soon to be done and over, what do you intend to do with all of your newly found free time?

O’Leary: To keep myself busy I have returned to my high school job at Chick-Fil-A. Since my return we've broken the drive-thru record and served 287 cars in a single hour. Not to say this was all me, but I spot a correlation. When I’m not selling chicken, I plan on soaking in as much sun as possible. I have a lot of work to do in order to get back the tan that the South Bend Winter stole from me. 

St. Ed: Do you have any advice for getting through quarantine?

O’Leary: The advice I have for my fellow Stedsman (and all others) is to watch Peaky Blinders. Available on Netflix, this show has made my staying in enjoyable, and sometimes even preferred.