Monday, May 11, 2020

Kids in...

Verdeschi: Virtually a sophomore now

... quarantine: VIRTUAL FINALS WEEK. These are serious times, and so are the academics. On-line classes have given way to finals. Hard to believe it, but it’s Virtual Finals Week. Rest assured, the Stedsmen are playing for keeps they always do, taking their on-line finals for King and Hall. But how do you take an on-line? Who knows… but they do. Tonight, we will hear all about and more from Matt Verdeschi, Steds freshman and resident Connecticuter, who had some time to speak amid his demanding and taxing Virtual Finals Week. Enjoy.

St. Ed: With the University's residence halls, including the oldest and most storied, St. Ed’s, shut down, where are you these days?

Verdeschi: I am back home in Katonah, New York. More specifically, I have been spending most of my time in my dining room. My twin snores incredibly loud, so rather than kicking him in the middle of the night, I actually moved my entire bed to this room.

St. Ed: Your on-line classes are over, are you glad that it is now Finals Week?

Verdeschi: I am definitely glad it is finals week, but I am also concerned about the future. Yesterday, I cleaned out my desk for fun because I was bored. I do not want to imagine where my boredom will bring me next. 

St. Ed: Still, how do one do “finals” on-line? After all, while you would never cheat, who's there to make sure that the "other guy" isn’t opening a book or something?

Verdeschi: I found that most professors moved their exams to some version of an open note format. It honestly amazes me how some professors decided against this option, but all I will say about this choice is that one day I hope to have as much trust in someone as these professors have in their students. 

St. Ed: With on-line classes and finals soon to be done and over, what do you intend to do with all of your newly found free time?

Verdeschi: I plan on spending more time reading textbooks about important educational topics. Jk of course not. I actually plan on using my time to teach younger kids about the value of respect. I will utilize my elite Call of Duty abilities to destroy kids, trash talk them, and inevitably show them the importance of respecting their elders. 

St. Ed: Do you have any advice for getting through quarantine?

Verdeschi: Cover your windows so birds do not attack them while you are trying to sleep. At around 6:00am for the past three days a bird has been smacking into the window next to my bed, but he does not hit the window hard enough to hurt himself. Instead, the bird basically just checks if the window opened up in the last ten seconds since he last bodied it.